Thursday, April 18, 2013
What you learned in school - applied to Sierra Nevada Brewery
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Ignition paving the way with alarming - 7.6 public Beta released

Some of the Ignition beta documentation:
- Tag Configuration - You’ll notice right away when editing a SQLTag’s alarm configuration that this has changed dramatically in 7.6. Tags can contain multiple alarms. Each alarm’s properties can be configured to be dynamic via binding them to tags or expressions. Associated data can be added to an alarm, allowing for custom organizational structure or adding process data to be stored along with the alarm event. All previous alarm configuration will be automatically converted when upgrading to Ignition 7.6.
- User Sources - This is where you configure users (both for authentication purposes and notification purposes) and roles in Ignition. If you’re a user of Ignition 7.5 or earlier, you’ll notice that this is an evolution of the Authentication Profile system. User sources are responsible for providing Ignition users along with their associated username, password, and contact information needed for notification.
- Schedules - Schedules define day and time availabilities that you assign to users. They are used for determining when a user is available to be notified of active alarms.
- Alarm Journal - The new Alarm Journal system replaces the old alert log. This journal logs all alarm activity to an external SQL database. The table structure is managed by Ignition. Querying is mostly done through new scripting functions. Querying can also be done directly against the database if need be.
- Pipelines - Pipelines are a new construct that define the logic between an alarm going active/clear and people being notified. They logic graphs and are configured in the Designer via a drag-and-drop UI. Pipelines are where you can add logic like delays, message consolidation, escalation, etc. Note that pipelines are the “heart” of the notification system - you need this feature to do any alarm notification.
- Email Notification - Email notification is included in the Alarm Notification Module. Email now has the capability to support acknowledgement as well.
- Upgrades/Licensing - Note that the alarm notification is a new module, but since it covers functionality that was previously in the platform, users who are upgrading from pre-7.6 who are covered by our upgrade protection will get this module comped as an “upgrade”. This module will retail for $1,995.
- Alarm Status Table - The vision module has a newly renovated alarm status table. It is much more customizable than the old table: row styles are dynamic and configurable via a customizer, columns are configurable as well. It has an ad-hoc chart feature for tags using the SQLTag Historian. This is also where the shelving feature is accessed.
- Alarm Journal Table - There is now a built-in table for viewing alarm history, now called the alarm journal. You’ll find this component on the Tables tab of the component palette. You’ll probably want to bind the start/end dates to something appropriate, like a date range component.
- Upgrades / Licensing - The major version number of the Vision module has not changed, so this does not constitute an upgrade.
- SMS Notification - This module adds the ability to notify users via SMS. This is done using an Airlink Raven XE from Sierra Wireless. Communication between Ignition and this cell modem are over ethernet.
- Upgrades / Licensing - This is a brand new module, so upgrades do not apply. This module will retail for $595 and requires the Alarm Notification Module.
- Voice Notification - This module adds the ability to notify users via a phone call. It uses a TTS (text-to-speech) engine to turn alarm messages into audio, and uses VOIP (specifically SIP) to make phone calls. If you do not have a SIP gateway on premise, you may use a commercial Skype account (requires internet) or an Atcom IP01 FXO gateway which will convert SIP to a plain old telephone line. (
- Upgrades / Licensing - This is a brand new module, so upgrades do not apply. This module will retail for $695 with one voice, additional voices $99, and requires the alarm notification module.
- Deliver voice calls through any SIP compatible phone system. No dedicated hardware required.
- Messages generated by high-quality text to speech, and not a canned set of prerecorded files.
- Supports multiple languages concurrently, based on user preference.
- Allows users to acknowledge events.
- Supports requiring a personal identification number for additional security.
- Ties into the audit log to audit call events, successful message delivery, and user acknowledgements.
- Supports throttled message delivery.
- Name - A unique name for the alarm
- Enabled - Enables or disables the alarm
- Priority - Choose from five priorities, from Diagnostic to Critical, for the alarm
- Active Pipeline - Sets the pipeline to use when the alarm goes active
- Clear Pipeline - Sets the pipeline to use when the alarm clears
- Timestamp Source - Whether the timestamp comes from the system or from the value
- Display Path - Optional path that will be used for display. Takes a string separated by “/”
- Ack Mode - Auto: Alarm is automatically acknowledged when it clears; Manual: Alarm must be acknowledged by the user; Unused: The alarm will always be marked as acknowledged
- Notes - Optional notes regarding the alarm
- Ack Notes Required - When set to true operators will be required to enter some explanation when the alarm is acknowledged
- Shelving Allowed - Whether or not the alarm can be shelved (snoozed)
- Equal
- Setpoint - In this mode when the tag value is equal to this setpoint value then the alarm will be considered active.
- Not Equal
- Setpoint - In this mode when the tag value is not equal to this setpoint value then the alarm will be considered active.
- Above Setpoint
- Setpoint - In this mode when the tag value is above this setpoint value then the alarm will be considered active
- Inclusive - When true then alarm will be considered active when the tag value is equal to or greater the setpoint value
- Below Setpoint
- Setpoint - In this mode when the tag value is below this setpoint value then the alarm will be considered active
- Inclusive - When true then alarm will be considered active when the tag value is equal to or less than the setpoint value
- Between Setpoints
- Low Setpoint/High Setpoint - These setpoints create a range that the tag value must fall within in order for the alarm to be considered active.
- Low Inclusive/High Inclusive - When true then alarm will be considered active when the tag value is equal to or less than/greater than the respective setpoint value
- Any Change - When true any change in tag value that falls within the range defined by the high and low setpoints will generate an alarm event that isimmediately cleared. Be aware that by default dropout conditions on pipelines include when an alarm event is acknowledged and or cleared. This means that if left at the default settings you will not receive notifications for alarm events generated by the Any Change setting. This behavior of alarms generated by any change events may change before the final release of 7.6. Make sure to check documentation for any changes when 7.6 is officially released.
- Outside Setpoints
- This mode operates similar to the Between Setpoints alarm mode. You configure a range using the low and high setpoints and when the tag value falls outside of this range then the alarm is considered active
- Any Change - When true any change in tag value that falls within the range defined by the high and low setpoints will generate an alarm event that isimmediately cleared. Be aware that by default dropout conditions on pipelines include when an alarm event is acknowledged and or cleared. This means that if left at the default settings you will not receive notifications for alarm events generated by the Any Change setting. This behavior of alarms generated by any change events may change before the final release of 7.6. Make sure to check documentation for any changes when 7.6 is officially released.
- Out of Range
- Generates an alarm event whenever the tag value falls outside of the Eng Limits defined in the tag’s numeric section
- Bad Quality
- Alarm events will be generated whenever the tag reports having a bad quality
- Any Change
- Alarm events are generated whenever the tag value changes. These events are immediately cleared and if the Ack Mode is set to auto they will also be auto acknowledged. Be aware that by default dropout conditions on pipelines include when an alarm event is acknowledged and or cleared. This means that if left at the default settings you will not receive notifications for alarm events generated by the Any Change setting. This behavior of alarms generated by any change events may change before the final release of 7.6. Make sure to check documentation for any changes when 7.6 is officially released.
- On Condition
- Is Active - This is a bindable property allowing you to specify an expression that will evaluate to true or false and determine whether or not the alarm should be active. You also have the ability to bind this property to another driving tag.
- Deadband - A numeric deadband for the alarm condition. This deadband is separate from and evaluated after the tag’s deadband. An alarm event will be generated as soon as the tag value crosses the active threshold but will only clear after the tag value goes outside the active range by more than the deadband.
- Active Delay (rising edge time deadband)- The time in seconds before the alarm will be considered truly active after the active condition evaluates to true. If a tag value crosses the active threshold and then clears before the delay period elapses then an alarm event will not be generated.
- Clear Delay (falling edge time deadband) - The amount of time in seconds before the alarm will be considered truly clear after the clear condition evaluates to true. If a tag value goes into the cleared state but then becomes active again before the clear delay period elapses then the alarm will stay active.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Sierra Nevada Brewery MES, ERP Ignition Case Study - Awesome!
This 5 minute case study video illustrates how Sierra Nevada Brewing Company ended up using Ignition as their MES and ERP platform. "We use it for everything as our go-to product". They do most of their design work in house, constantly updating their "slightly unique" process.
It's interesting to see the evolution of the importance and use of the brewery's SCADA system. They started with a small pilot project to capture PLC data, basically just as a stand alone OPC data logger. Another department tried out that same server as an HMI. The video shows how the demand signal for Ignition flowed from department to department by word of mouth. "Once it proved itself we started adding". Everyone really liked it - they added their section and wanted access to the growing realtime database: the brewhouse, fermenters, the cellars, filtration, the lab, packaging, tracking trucks, Quality Assurance (QA). Even their IT department.
The Ignition system grew with fan-based requests. The more information was available the more users craved. Everyone wanted to add their devices, sensors, and part of the process. Once users see what's possible, they want a lot more: reports, charts, graphs, realtime and historical information. Sierra Nevada beer is tracked from tank to tank, information like "yeast cell counts", "CO2 values", and "temperatures", recorded automatically, which represents the production phase that the batch of product is in. They used to walk around the facility to track their beer through whiteboards. Now all of their information is tracked in their SQL databases, accessible from any desktop computer. Pretty cool!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Ignition in many industries
Appliances, automotive, building material, chemical, electronics, energy, fibers & textile, food & beverage...the list goes on.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Ignition and SCADA in the semiconductor industry?
The SECS/GEM Module enables Ignition projects and third-party applications to communicate with semiconductor fab equipment. The module utilizes the HSMS-SS and SECS II standards to communicate with equipment over Ethernet. In the near future, SECS I for serial connections will be supported as well. The module achieves interoperability with third-party systems through the use of shared database tables. For use with Ignition software – a rapid application development and deployment platform – built-in mapping to tags or scripting functions can be utilized. Driver configuration is done with a web-based configuration interface which includes a built-in editor for creating custom SECS messages. Over 100 SECS message definitions from the SECS II and GEM standards are supported out of the box. Ignition and this driver are cross-platform capable because both were developed in Java. An equipment simulator is included with the module to help users get started and learn, and for testing applications. The driver may be downloaded and tested for free from the Ignition Module Marketplace. The module also includes a built-in manual that covers the capabilities and functionality of the module in detail.
This blog post describes some of the motivation behind the development.
I would love to see an Inductive Automation case study illustrating how an organization in the semiconductor leverages Ignition.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Module Marketplace Industry Feedback
Gary Mintchell called it, "a platform and business model worth watching" and described the company as "developing something disruptive that is going to revolutionize the industry"
Dave Greenfield of Automation world explains the significance as "Consumer technology driving Automation" with a comparison to the iTunes store.
ARCWeb news from Craig Resnick describing "The ability to share modules with other Ignition users opens up application opportunities and removes proprietary boundaries".
Dale Peterson of Digital Bond picked it up here
I'm curious to see how developers and consumers embrace this technology. Will we see new communities form and when will other SCADA vendors follow suit?
Monday, January 21, 2013
Gary Mintchell with Inductive Automation on technology
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Laughable security (in SCADA)
This post really sums it up. Here's another really scary one.
The solution, at a minimum, is to apply standard IT practices to your industrial processes. Better yet, consider your architecture holistically with "Defense in Depth" in mind. In any case, have all the experts represented, which includes your IT department.
We should be able to fix this without it getting to the point of regulation.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
How to Use Databases to Boost Your Production IQ
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
SCADA Security in the Cloud - common sense design considerations
How to plan for the cloud with security in mind
- Consider the tenant of "local control". This may or may not translate to "isolated network". It's better to not even think about implementation at this point. The idea is, "from where do I want to allow my operators to control equipment"?
-Decide what it is that you need to access from anywhere. This is a business decision, not a tech decision.
- In terms of your security planning, cloud hosting is basically the same as making your application accessible via the Internet. Do not confuse this with "public". Both approaches can provide worldwide access. Both can be secured with SSL/TLS and/or even require VPN connectivity. Consider the implications of a "worst case" compromise in the back of your mind.
- "The Cloud" is probably more robust than your server. The gold star for Availability more likely goes to the cloud. Consider that you're not taxing your bandwidth or storage resources and can pay more money to scale on an as needed basis. The whitepaper refers to this as leveraging or outsourcing IT costs. This is a good thing.
- Consider separating your Internet or Cloud services from the rest of your network, including control, business, public web, etc. I am not a fan of your cloud server being able to reach out to your PLC. Why would you do that except in the case of deliberate cloud based control, which is generally not recommended? It's just as easy to have your internal control system write data out to your online (Internet or Cloud) database. You might even log data to a local database then replicate that online. Control the flow of your communication!
The point is, think about your security architecture requirements from a simple perspective. Don't worry about how you will implement it. For example, your thought process might go like this: I want to be able to change setpoints from anywhere within the control network of my 3 sites, I even need a secure way of doing this remotely. If the network goes down, local operators need to be able to control the system without missing a beat. QA needs to examine our realtime process in detail and management wants to be able to access production reports from anywhere. As you come up with this you'll inevitably realize that QA and management systems don't need a path to the PLC - that's the Principal of Least Privilege (POPL) in action! Keep up on defining requirements! Availability really matters at the operator terminals, but not for control between sites - so we don't need redundancy there. Maybe QA has regulatory requirements requiring strict Integrity (prevention of unauthorized data modification). Do we care if the management reports get out? Maybe a lot, maybe not at all. If so, we'll want to protect the confidentiality of the system. Notice that I'm focusing on what and not how?
Get the idea? Now we have our business requirements, driven by operators, management, and our process. Notice that we didn't even consider technical limitations or implementation details? Now it's time to come up with a tech plan, get with IT and let them know what are objectives are.
Your solution may be a complex multi-part system with firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), VPNs, local systems and online ones. It could also be really simple.
Closing Advice
- First consider your business/operational requirements in the absence of naysayers who are thinking about implementation/security details.
- Keep security in mind as part of your requirements. This can be done without extreme paranoia.
- Involve IT early on the design phase. Once you provide the what they should be able to help you out with the how.
- Don't forget about upgrades/updates, backups, and other ongoing support requirements.
- Follow the good practices that you already know. Use strong passwords, update your systems, etc.
- Read this whitepaper.
On water hacking
It was interesting to note that an August presentation at the Black Hat conference mentioned water attacks. Coincidence? Not likely. If you work in Industrial Automation you likely know much more vulnerable and potentially dangerous targets. Let's fix this before a tragic event and regulation requires it.
News: CNET,
Forum discussion, and at IA, and PLCTalk.
Blog posts: Tofino II, SCADAHacker
Disclaimer - this post is not affiliated with the Water Hackathon event. The author thought it was funny.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Ignition awarded prestigious Oracle Duke's Choice Award
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Ignition 7.3 Beta available
- Drawing tools added for vector graphics.
- Zooming in the Designer.
- Better grouping support for components and shapes.
- New Symbol Factory module.
- More efficient serialization format for windows.
- Better color-choosing UI.
- Internationalization in Gateway/Designer.
- New compression algorithm for analog SQLHistorian tags.
- New ability for SQLHistorian to create preprocessed history tables for better query performance over long time spans.
- New query cache in the client to avoid unnecessary repeated querying of the same time span.
- Data density histogram on the Easy Chart for SQLHistorian pens.
- Improved memory usage for SQLTags in the Gateway.
- Automatic SQLTag creation when dragging and dropping OPC items.
- Improved performance and scan class settings for SQLTags (one-shot, triggered on-change, subscribed vs polled).
- Improved memory usage for ControlLogix driver.
- Improved performance and stability for all drivers.
- Improved installer allows choosing individual modules on install and upgrade.
- New graphical and command-line installer for Linux.
- Ignition installation directory structure changed.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Ignition security advisory
It's a good idea for software companies to be transparent about releasing and fixing their vulnerabilities. Remember to keep up to date with the latest version of your software!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Interesting article - #1 ICS and SCADA Security Myth: Protection by Air Gap

A system should be designed with security in mind and kept up to date.
Interesting article - The Ultimate HMI
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Ignition intro - Rethinking SCADA for modern manufacturing
Industrial Security - a reminder from Stuxnet
1. First, get the best "bang for your buck" - take care of your low hanging fruit. Embarrasingly, in industrial systems this means: get rid of shared accounts and no passwords, don't connect the control network to the Internet or harden your business necessary connection point, ensure that you have a working backup, check your backdoors (old modems, etc).
2. The strength of your system lies in a Defense in Depth approach, meaning taking advantage of strengths of overlapping security mechanisms. While adhering to point #1, knock out the really easy and obvious ones. There's no reason to get fancy until you have your basics covered.
3. Architect your system with security in mind. For example, if you decide to start with Windows XP SP 1, you're just asking for trouble. I get it that patching often has negative side effects with industrial/SCADA software, but you need to (minimally) begin with a baseline that isn't hugely vulnerable. Design around industry standard technologies and protocols such as OPC-UA. Don't try to roll your own security solutions!
4. Develop a security policy and train your users. It's important that management understands and accepts the level of risk that the system takes on. It's important that users know what's allowed and that consequences are serious. Require that they sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). A successful security program is as much about users, policy, and procedure than equipment, applications, and configuration.
5. Establish individual accountability (auditing). Ensure that users have individual accounts and that their activity on the system is logged and periodically reviewed. I know this often doesn't happen in manufacturing, but it should.
You have far too much value in your HMI, SCADA, industrial system. Ask yourself, how much does downtime cost? How can you afford to not secure your control system?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Going mobile with industrial computing
Sure there are red flags - you will probably have an increased requirement for security including physical access, user accountability (auditing), and all the typical considerations. For most organizations the benefits will most likely outweigh the risk and cost. Security is a mature enough field - if the credit card companies, banks, financial institutions, and even the military can be successful with it, so can you. Apply defense in depth, implement/follow your company policy, adhere to strong practices, hire experts if you need it - nothing new here.
From my perspective, industrial computing has been following the path of commercial computing. Those same basic technologies that have become widespread in your office will usually show up on the plant floor in some form. You can trace industrial controls from relays to PLCs as opposed to vacuum tubes then transistors, but the technologies have been converging and are basically one in the same.
Perhaps a driving force of computing paradigms is the relative shift in local processing power versus the capability of the "network". How thick versus thin is the ideal environment - in other words, do we want to perform the computing locally or remotely? We've seen this shift between centralized and de-centralized SCADA systems - the balance between central administration versus local setup, scalability and performance, and dependence on the network. The models roughly share the considerations we've seen in the migration between: Mainframe, Micro, Mini, and PC.
So where are we going next? Cloud computing or even thinner clients? To me, mobile computing represents an advance in both categories. That's not to say that smart phones won't get more computationally capable - they will continue to shrink and get faster and faster. However, with the increasing reliability of infrastructure, "the network", it makes more sense to centralize your control applications. Why? In one word, ubiquity. For the same reason the web has standardized on HTML. Users will demand access from anywhere they deem appropriate, regardless of the mobile platform. Will they create a separate app for each: iPods/iPads, Blackberry, Droid, Win 7 phones, Palm PDAs, embedded MS OSs, Linux devices, etc, etc? Each of those platforms has a large enough user base to support its own "apps" - Solitare, or a web browser, which turns out to be the common denominator.
I don't think organizations will put up with only supporting one mobile platform. This is somewhat akin to requiring you to buy a Bell phone in order to use the phone network. Nor is it acceptable for a complex installation or configuration. Successful SCADA vendors will need to support feature rich mobile applications that run on most, if not all, mobile devices out of the box. As our networks get more robust, secure, and cheap, we'll be rewarded with new levels of capability that make that transition from novelty to necessity - just like PCs once did. In the end, competitive organizations from all industries will benefit from these incredible mobile technologies.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Computing Without Boundaries
Retro Encabulator interview
Friday, June 18, 2010
VCP at last, and virtualization in Industry
Virtualization has been an interest of mine for awhile. I live by VMWare Workstation on my desktop and await the day when I get a laptop that's powerful enough to support my too-many VMs at once habit. For the Industrial Integrator/programmer/professional, Virtualization makes too much sense! Check it out if you haven't already! It readily solves problems that Industrial Software vendors have created (you need this version of Windows without a patch, can't run with competing software, older programming tools for some customers, etc, etc). Using multiple Virtual Machines, you can have exactly the right tool for whatever task at hand - without ever needing to make any changes. You get additional benefits of features like "snapshots" and "cloning". The only real issue is that none of the vendors have decided to support PCMCIA/PC Cards, so you'll have to use serial or USB connectors. This should matter less and less as time goes on.
On the server side (which is what the VCP is all about), VMWare may or may not make sense for your Industrial applications. Don't get me wrong - ESX and ESXi are awesome packages, but if you don't have a competent IT department - you're adding another layer of complexity for what might benefit you. For those larger companies that provide a lot of server based services - you're probably already using a virtualized environment. It just doesn't make sense not to.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Web based SCADA - a perspective from the Netherlands
From a security perspective, I disagree that IT technologies are "more susceptable to cyber attacks" than "rigid proprietary software". The cyber attacks will come since systems are being networked and remotely accessbile, which is a productivity enhancing user requirement in modern manufacturing. Proprietary software tends to be less secure than modern IT technologies, especially as the Internet makes exploits more widely available.
Good article, though!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Databases – The Perfect Complement to PLCs, by Steve Hechtman
Hosted at, Reliable Plant, FoodEngineering
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ignition, post release activity and OPC vendors

We've been getting a huge number of hits to the new website by a number of companies across the world. We've also been getting a lot of interest in when more drivers will be available, like Siemens, Modbus, and Automation Direct in addition to the existing Allen Bradley suite. I suppose this isn't surprising considering that we're the only cross-platform OPC-UA server available. While it shouldn't be too long before we get those drivers developed, this brings me to my next point...
Where are the other OPC-UA servers? We're really looking forward to a more vibrant marketplace for OPC-UA products. Kepware says they'll be releasing their OPC-UA server soon - we're looking forward to being able to test it with Ignition. This really excites me because it brings their extensive PLC product line to the table via OPC-UA. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be cross platform.
So, how about it? OPC vendors: the gauntlet has been thrown. The industry wants OPC-UA products! And if they're cross platform, all the better. When will we start seeing them?
My thoughts on securing your plant systems

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Introducing Ignition by Inductive Automation - Web-based, cross-platform SCADA Webinar

Say goodbye to rationing clients, patchwork control systems and project development constraints caused by oppressive licensing systems.
Ignition by Inductive Automation is being released January 27th. Ignition is a major next step in the evolution of FactorySQL and FactoryPMI.
Join us for this new release webinar to see how the Ignition platform opens up possibilities in the industrial automation industry. The webinar will give an overview and demonstration of Ignition's features and its capabilities, such as:
- Web-based clients that enable scalability
- Unlimited clients and tags, licensed by the server
- A flexible database-centered architecture
- OPC-UA support
- 100% cross platform: Windows and Linux
- Simplified software setup and ...
Also accompanying the product launch is Inductive Automation's new website design at, which will launch January 27th with details about Ignition.
Register here to attend the new release webinar.
Title: Introducing Ignition by Inductive Automation - Web-based, cross-platform SCADA
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PST
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
Macintosh®-based attendeesRequired: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ignition preview and a visit to Inductive Automation

The plan is a single product platform that replaces the separate functionality of FactorySQL and FactoryPMI. They really went all out with levering technologies! The product is platform independent (Windows 32 or 64 bit, Linux, Mac, etc), fully web based (no client installation), and supports separate "modules" that all have access to the same powerful core technologies. Everything runs from a cluster aware web server similar to the current FactoryPMI Gateway but they had new behind the scene tricks (Non-Blocking IO for multithreading, advanced serialization schemes for saving/storing projects, and a whole slew of security upgrades consistent with the OPC-UA specification).
They showed me an OPC-UA application that securely connected to different PLCs (many AB, Siemens, and AD) via different PCs without an OPC tunneller. All this worked equally well on Windows and Linux systems. Once the data is accessible from the PLC, you get the full visualization spectrum that FactoryPMI already offers (graphics, multimedia, historical trends, reporting, etc).
The coolest part is that development time should be cut down substantially, for both Inductive Automation proper and 3rd parties/end users as the API is released, since the platform performs so much native functionality (network, database, project launching/hosting/editing, clustering, storage, alerting, auditing, authentication, etc, etc.). The Ignition platform should become to controls software what Metasploit is to ethical hackers/penetration testers.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
OPC UA info
Friday, June 12, 2009
Is anyone buying this? Really...?

Maybe I read in to far, but I see snakeskin oil vendors grasping for air! The piece is an obvious response to Steve Hechtman's very different article on the same topic (hosted on Control Engineering) - he should be flattered. You see, the big vendors, GE Faunc in this case, but the exact same applies to Wonderware and Rockwell have been long committed to the concept of Historians, a glorified and expensive datalogger that includes, and is only meant to work with, a custom version of Microsoft SQL Server (of all product choices...). The problem is that now much cheaper products from companies like Inductive Automation and Software Toolbox can do a better job using any RDBMS (database) system. Being vendor-neutral, inexpensive add-on packages also do much better for things like trending, reporting, and data analysis. The biggest mistake of the current generation of Historian is that they tried to implement and include everything themselves - like making a giant

- You're data is special and requires "plantwide historian" treatment...their example query “What was today’s hourly unit production average compared to where it was a year ago or two years ago?”. I won't even comment...
- Your database needs to speak specialized industrial protocols (OPC) - There's separation of function by design and for a reason. Besides - this doesn't even make sense.
- Faster speeds and higher data compression - no way! The historian is wasting CPU cycles in both directions, which obfuscates your data (can no longer use external applications), to do something better achieved by a RDBMS system that supports it.
- Robust redundancy for high availability - is this a joke? Maybe should migrate their server farms over to GE-flavor SQL Server.
- Enhanced data security - another losing battle for the historian. The white paper mentions SQL injection attacks - all platforms in question can use stored procedures, and are all subject to this sort of attack. When it comes to up to date patching, arguably the most common vulnerability, SCADA vendors have the absolute worst track record! IT keeps their servers patched as a matter of practice - they're typically afraid to touch the SCADA machines. Ultimately, the "do everything" approach provides many attack vectors.